Toxic Parts:
all parts, bulbs, flowers
cardiac glycosides
Flower Color:
  • flower color
waterside, haybales, gardens

Time of Greatest Risk


Geographical Distribution

Star-of-bethlehem distribution - United States

Related Species


Ornithogalum umbellatum

Ornithogalums, Pregnant Onion, Chinkerichee, Star Of Bethlehem
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Star-of-bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) is a bulbous plant belonging to the lily family. It is a popular cultivated flower which are often sold as cut flowers or ornamental garden flowers. In the United States, they have escaped cultivation and now grow naturally in the wild in many areas.

Star-of-bethlehem Toxic Components

All parts of star-of-bethlehem are highly toxic to horses, due to the presence of cardiac glycosides, primarily convallatoxin and convalloside. Cardiac glycosids (cardioactive steroids) affect the heart and will specifically disrupt the horse's heart rhythm which causes damage to multiple systems throughout the body. Horses need only to ingest 8 flower heads for it to be lethal. Any horse that survives poisoning will likely be left with permanent heart damage.

Cases of Poisoning

Ornithogalum poisoning is of most concern for horses living in South Africa, where it is endemic to the winter rainfall area of the Western Cape Province. Ornithogalum spp have been found sometimes mixed in to haybales, which is how most cases of poisonings in horses have occurred.

What Star-of-bethlehem Looks Like

  • Roots: Oval-shaped bulbs
  • Stem: Leafless, flowering; reaches up to 1 ft in height.
  • Leaves: Shiny, dark green, with a distinct white midrib; look like wild garlic but lack the onion or garlic-like odor
  • Flowers: White, 6-petaled flowers that occur at the ends of the leafless flowering stems; resemble a star.
  • Fruit: 3 lobed capsules that contain several oval black seeds.