Toxic Parts:
all, flowers the highest
cardiac glycosides
Flower Color:
  • flower color
  • flower color
  • flower color
woodlands, coastal, ornamental, Xxerophyte

Time of Greatest Risk


Geographical Distribution

Mother-of-millions distribution - United States

Related Species


Kalanchoe delagoensis

Missionbells, Christmas Bells, Mother Of Thousands, Mother Of Millions, Devil's Backbone, Chandelier Plant
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Mother-of-millions (Kalanchoe delagoensis also referred to as Bryophyllum delagoense) is a herbaceous perennial succulent, popular due to it's bizarre and intriguing appearance. K. delagoensis is native to Madagascar and has been introduced as an ornamental, in which it has escaped from cultivation in many subtropical and tropical regions worldwide. K. delagoensis produces orange-red bell-shaped flowers that grow at the top of the upright stems, which bloom from May to October.

K. delagoensis is well adapted to water-stressed environments and has become invasive in parts of the United States, West Indies, Africa, and Europe. In Australia, K. delagoensis is considered highly invasive and is a serious pest due to its threat to livestock.

Toxic components
All parts of K. delagoensis, especially the flowers, contain toxic cardiac glycosides. If consumed, it can result in cardiac glycoside poisoning.


  • Colic
  • Abnormal Heart Beat
  • Lethargy
  • Sweating
  • Cold Extremities
  • Diarrhea
  • Shortness Of Breath
  • Death From Heart Failure


MANUAL CONTROL: For small areas, pull up plants by hand and burn on a wood heap. Alternatively, bag the plants and dump them in a bin, the contents of which are buried at your councils refuse tip rather than being recycled into mulch. Partially burnt plant material remains palatable and highly toxic
