Heat stress

Attention! This is a potentially life-threatening condition for your horse. Time is of the essence, contact your veterinarian immediately.Find a Vet

Heat Stress

The primary method of heat dissipation in horses is through evaporation of sweat, especially during the summer when horses are living in areas with warm to hot ambient temperature conditions. When horses are exercised, their bodies generate a great deal of energy which converts to heat. During the warm up phase of exercise a few important interactions are happening in the horse:
  • The rate of heat production in horses muscles greatly exceeds the rate of heat dissipation, which causes a rapid increase in muscle temperature.
  • Core blood is heated with heat storage exceeding heat dissipation, which results in the horse's core body temperature to increase in proportion to the exercise intensity.
  • The horse's skin temperature decreases slightly as a result of the increased convection related to the motion, then it gradually increases.
Therefore when horses are exposed to warm temperatures and exercised they are more at risk of overheating. Horses with a thermoregulatory system impairment, such as anhidrosis, are even more at risk of overheating, due to their inability to properly sweat.
Unconditioned, older horses (due to changes to their thermoregulatory system), dark colored horses, horses in trailers, overweight horses, horses grazing on endophyte-infested fescue grass, horses that have recently relocated from colder climates, larger horses, and dehydrated or overweight horses are also at a heightened risk of developing heat stress. All horses that are exposed to a humidity index over 180 are at risk of heat stress and should not be exercised until weather conditions improve.

Early recognition and vigorous treatment are essential to limit the consequences of heat stress in horses.


Increased respiration
Increased body temperature
Flared nostrils
Skin is hot to touch
Head nodding
Profuse sweating
Tripping and staggering


  • History
  • Clinical signs
  • Physical exam



Cooling the horse's body temperature as soon as possible (cold water, fans, cool environment such as under a shady tree or inside a cool, breezy stall)
Restore hydration


  • Schedule exercise in the cooler times of the day.
  • Purchase cooling fans
  • Providing easy access to clean drinking water.
  • Supplement diet with electrolytes
  • Increase fat in diet


Good if recognized early

Scientific Research

General Overviews

Risk Factors

  • exercising horses during the hottest hours of the day, for prolonged intervals
  • Days of high temperatures and high relative humidity
  • Poorly ventilated barns
  • Not providing horses with any shade

